BE THE DESIGNER 2017 // Let the designing begin!

BE THE DESIGNER 2017 // Let the designing begin!

Have you ever wanted to design your perfect necklace?!

Well now is your chance! 

We are STOKED to announce that our BE THE DESIGNER COMPETITION is back for 2017, where we ask YOU to design YOUR dream necklace. It could even be put into production and become a reality. 

Ladies, it's time to fire up that creativity, sharpen those pencils and put your design skills to the test. Get dreaming, get thinking, but mostly have fun! 


STEP 1: Download the template and start designing, you can choose any medium: pens, paints, even digital - the sky is the limit here 

STEP 2: Submit your design and it'll go to the vote (see downloadable template for submission options)

STEP 3: When submissions close you get to vote on your favourite designs

STEP 4: Celebrate the winner (it could be YOU)

Download the Template

We've got three AWESOME prizes up for grabs this year, so read below to get some inspiration for your designs.

You've really nailed it with this design, and we just LOVE it. This design is chosen by us as the star of the show, the winner of the competition, an idea that combines stellar design, commercial viability and that quintessential RO-ness.
> Your dream necklace will become a reality, and will be put into production.
> You'll get naming rights for your necklace.
> You'll receive the very first necklace, hot off the production line.
> A portion of the sale of each necklace will go to your chosen charity
> You'll also receive super-dooper hamper valued at $500, full of goodies from some of our favourite brands including a $250 RO Voucher 

You have created something truly unique and awesomely imaginative.  It may not necessarily be practical but it sure is impressive!  
> You'll receive an awesome hamper valued at $300 including a $150 Ruby Olive Gift Voucher to spend online.

It seems your design has something pretty special about it, the audience voted it to be their favourite! You've secured a place in the hearts of all who've seen your design, be proud! 
>You'll receive an awesome hamper valued at $300 including a $150 Ruby Olive Gift Voucher to spend online.

(Please note if the highest voted design is also chosen as the winning design, the design with the next highest votes (from a different designer) will be the Crowd Favourite)

Vicki Meehans Design to Real Life

We were SO impressed with the winning design, the Waterfall Necklace from Vicki Meehan (read more here) that we ended up designing the whole Cascade Collection around it. Vicki chose the incredible Freedom Hub for proceeds of the sale of the necklace to go towards, and has now opened our eyes to a truly wonderful organisation. Find out more about the Freedom Hub here. 

Terms & Conditions: Submissions close 7th MAY 2017*. Voting will be open for 14 days after all designs are collated and uploaded online. Winner announced 6th June 2017. You can enter as many times as you like, and designs in any medium are welcomed (ie. digital, old fashioned sketch/pencil/paint). 

*Date extended due to demand (original date was 30th April 2017)

Download the Design Template Here


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