NOTE FROM SKYE // SO...we thought we'd photograph some customers!

NOTE FROM SKYE // SO...we thought we'd photograph some customers!

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We had our Warehouse Sale in Brisbane the week before last and we got to chat to loads of our customers.  I LOVED IT!  We're always clicking away at our keyboards and connecting with our customers on a virtual level, but there was something so MAGICAL about meeting our customers face to face. 

We had a shoot planned for the following week...but after connecting with so many wonderful women, all with their different and fabulous stories, I decided...YEP...we NEED to showcase some of these fabulous women, we need to tell the stories of our customers.  

Five women agreed and we took some fabulous pics and over the coming weeks we'll be starting to tell their story.  AND we couldn't be more excited!

First up will be the gorgeous Andrea from Sublime Finds.  She's been participating in Frocktober all this month, raising much needed funds for Ovarian Cancer Research.  The only difference is...she's not wearing a dress a day, she's wearing THE SAME dress for 31 days...styled in a bunch of ways.  WHAT A SUPERSTAR!  Oh and incase you were wondering...yes I did ask, she has two of exactly the same dress, the fabulous Leina Broughton Stella dress...and it's on a strict wash rotation. 

We'll be sharing more of Andrea in the next few days, BUT if you would like to support her and help her raise some here.

Looking forward to sharing more customer stories with you all!

Skye x

Here's a little Facebook LIVE post I did straight after the shoot.

1 comment

Elizabeth Kingston

FABBO Skye!!!! I think this is a wonderful way to connect with your customer base. And of course…it goes without saying how chuffed I am to be one of the first “cabs off the rank” & support your amazing products.
Much love,
Elizabeth x

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