RO INSPIRED // Become the Boss of Busy with Alison Hill TIP #1

RO INSPIRED // Become the Boss of Busy with Alison Hill TIP #1


Become the boss of busy

Tip #1: Stop before you start

Life gets busy doesn’t it? The busier it gets the more overwhelming and out of control we feel. The problem is that busy doesn’t wait for us to sleep for a week, it just piles up until we get to the point where we don’t know where to start.

How often does it happen? We are under the pump and we go searching for something to help us manage the crazy.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’d love a dollar for every time I’ve walked into – then out of – Kikki K, or bought something online thinking ‘this’ll help me get my sh*t together!’. So we get fired up – get our new stationary – but a day or two later, we’re back drowning in the busyness. D’oh!

The problem is we keep trying to squeeze things in and not letting things go. Our lives are like a giant accordion that keeps getting squeezed.

So try something different. This week, I want you to identify things you will STOP. Whether it’s behaviours or thoughts, you need to give yourself space to start new things.

It sounds counter-intuitive; but the best place to start is often to stop first.  

So what things will you stop doing? Watching TV after 9pm; stop checking my phone first thing in the morning; have a couple of days off Facey; stop gawking at photos of Gerard Butler on the interwebs*, stop eating banana bread for morning tea?

So try that right now, and each morning. Write down the things that today you can stop doing. It’ll free the space today to start the behaviours that will serve you well.



* Actually we don’t need to go overboard here - some distractions are....well, just plain useful in life. Man that bloke’s REALLY got it going on.



I’m going to stop whinging at the kids to make their bed, I spend 15mins very morning fighting with them. Surely there’s better use of my time – and I’m sure it’ll reduce my morning stress levels. I’m secretly wishing that if I stop harassing them about it…they might actually just start to do it. hmmm…well see.


My problem is I put so much pressure on myself to get everything done. So from today, I’m going to STOP (or try to stop) putting the pressure on myself. Thanks Ali and RO…great advice.

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