A NOTE FROM SKYE // Eco-Sustainable Products July 29, 2022Skye Anderton It’s been a while since I said hi! I really wanted to share a few exciting things that have been happening here at RO HQ. Right from the start when I...
Celebrating Amazing Women // Meet Tess! June 21, 2022Sabrina at Ruby Olive We are delighted to introduce you to Tess Nolan (of @tessnolan and @thevetschool) and her gorgeous Boston Terrier "Daphne" in celebration of Bring Your Dog to Work Day this Friday the 24th of June! Tess is...
#TEACHERFEATURE // Meet Mr Van Der Monde May 20, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive It is our absolute pleasure to introduce you to Nathan (of @mrvandermonde on Instagram) as our Term 2 #TeacherFeature. Nathan is a learning specialist, plant and dog-loving, grade two Primary Teacher living in the...
RO GUEST DESIGNER // Meet Andrea Smith April 21, 2022Anna Hewlett We are absolutely delighted to welcome Andrea Smith to our RO world, and we can't wait to introduce you to her gorgeous artwork in our latest collaboration! Andrea is a talented illustrator, surface designer, and...
RO GUEST DESIGNER // Brook Gossen March 08, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive It is our absolute pleasure to introduce you to the uber talented Brook Gossen, A.K.A. our Guest Designer for March! You may have already spotted our gorgeous collaborative Rainbow Enamel Earrings...
RO READS // Meet Jackie French! March 03, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive Happy World Book Day 2022! To celebrate the occasion, we have TWO beautiful 'Date With A Book' Gift Pack options for you. Both of these stunning packs feature 'No Hearts Of...
SPREADING KINDNESS // RO's Top 10 Ways To Spread Joy February 17, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive Happy Random Acts Of Kindness Day®! Here at RO, we want to help #makekindnessthenorm. The official Random Acts Of Kindness Day® is February 17th each year, and was created by...
RO GUEST DESIGNER // Meet Deb McNaughton! February 11, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive If you haven't come across the name Deb McNaughton before, it's your lucky day my friend... prepare yourself for a visual feast! Deb is a fabulous Australian Artist, and we absolutely ADORE her gorgeously bright and playful work. One of...
#TEACHERFEATURE // Meet Tam! January 28, 2022Britt at Ruby Olive We are SO thrilled to introduce you to our first #TeacherFeature for 2022 - the incredible Tam of @misslearningbee! Tam is a former Kindergarten teacher and Assistant Principal, and has an...
SNEAK PEEK // Meet The RO Dogs! November 12, 2021Britt at Ruby Olive It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to some of our 'paw-some' quality controllers here at Ruby Olive. We're fond of many things here at RO HQ, and dogs...
#TEACHERFEATURE // Meet Ceri October 16, 2021Britt at Ruby Olive It is our absolute pleasure to introduce you to Ceri (of @ourcreativeclassroom on Instagram). We ADORE Ceri's bubbly and friendly disposition - she is seriously just like a human ray...
Celebrating Amazing Women // Meet Zoe! September 30, 2021Britt at Ruby Olive Say a big HELLO to our dear friend Zoe! The lovely Zoe is an e-Commerce business owner + manufacturer at Saturnery, mumma, and all-round ray of sunshine. Skye first met...