Dearest Grandma,
It’s been two years since I held your soft loving hands.
I really miss you.
And while I can’t visit or speak to you anymore, I feel I need to write you a letter. Like I used to as a little girl.
Can you believe it Grandma, Ruby Olive is 10 years old!!!
When I told you back in 2010 that I was going to name my new business after you, you didn’t really know what that meant and let’s be honest, neither of us really knew if it was going to last 12 months.
Back then I could never have dreamt of where we are now.
If only I could sit down with you one last time Grandma, I’d love to tell you some of the stories of what we’ve done, where we’ve been and what we’ve achieved.
We’d have a cuppa out of that teapot with the knitted cosy and eat a piece of that magical sponge you used to make - the one that tasted like soft sweet clouds, filled with jam and cream in the middle and topped with fresh passionfruit. Oh that passionfruit!!!
I miss you Grandma.
I miss your soft hands, your sweet voice and that orange Tupperware jar filled with never ending Iced Vovos, Monte Carlos and Shortbread Creams.
I miss being able to show you my postcards with your name on it and see your eyes light up.
I say your name a dozen times a day when I pick up the phone, I see it every time I send an email and at the beginning of everyday I see your name on the sign as I walk into my office.
I love having this connection to you.
It’s been an incredible 10 years Grandma...and if I told you half of what’s happened just this year just wouldn’t believe me.
I wanted to celebrate 10 years and so my friend Sabrina and I had a bit of fun and went back in time. I imagined what it would have been like when you were 40 Grandma, back in the 60’s. We even baked a sponge cake!
So here’s to you Grandma...and to 10 years of Ruby Olive.

To be continued…
1 comment
Skye, that was so beautiful it made me cry! And made me miss my Nana so much! She would have loved your jewels, especially the blue stuff, she loved blue jewelry. I loved what you said about getting to say her name so many times a day, so I’m just going to take this opportunity to do the same if you don’t mind – Vera Thom, you are so terribly missed <3